Saturday, October 1, 2016

AER Rule Submission 14: Philadelphia (1; 2.00)

That's far enough.
Philadelphia submitted and successfully passed the addition of Rule 2.00(Swing). The rule was submitted in response to a call of "No Swing" by 1B Umpire Will Little (93). At the time of the egregious error in umpire conduct, Washington was leading over Pittsburgh 4-3. Washington ultimately won the contest 10-7.

2.00 SWING - It is a swing if the bat moves forward.

Philadelphia now has 4 points in the AER standings (0 Previous + 2 New Rule + 2 Submission Passed = 4). Philadelphia moves from T-12th to T-3rd.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

AER Rule Submission 12-13: Washington (2-3; 2.00, 3.06)

Washington submitted and successfully passed the addition of Rule 2.00(Respect) and Rule 3.06 to the Announcers' Ejection Rules. Rule 2.00(Respect) was submitted in response to a call of "Hit Him In the Head" by WSH P AJ Cole (22). Rule 3.06 was submitted in response to a call of "Ejection" by HP Umpire Jordan Baker (71). At the time of the great success in human interaction and the egregious error in umpire conduct, Washington was leading over Pittsburgh 4-3. Washington ultimately won the contest 10-7.

2.00 RESPECT - Something earned by players willing to make a blood sacrifice for their team.

3.06) Umpires may only eject a pitcher if they hit the batter with a pitch.

Washington now has 23 points in the AER standings (15 Previous + 2*(2 New Rule) + 2*(2 Submission passed) = 23). Washington remains in 1st.

These are the 12th-13th rules submissions of 2016.
These are the 12th-13th successful rules submission.
These are the 10th-11th rules submissions made by a team.
These are the 10th-11th successful rules submissions made by a team.
These are Washington's 1st-2nd rules submissions.
These are Washington's 1st-2nd successful rules submission.

Video: I learned everything I needed to know about baseball from Fallout 4

AER Mid-Season Award 3: Washington (3)

In a game against Pittsburgh, Washington watched their pitcher throw at someone's head and decided that was fine and he shouldn't even be ejected but that fake tags are terrible, you just don't do that. For this, Washington has been awarded the AERC's Outstanding Achievement in Lack of Morals Award and receives 5 points.
Even the pitcher thinks
he did nothing wrong.

Washington now has 15 points in the AER standings (10 Previous + 5 Award = 15). Washington moves from 2nd to 1st.

This is the 3rd Mid-Season award of the 2016 MLB regular season.
This is the 2nd time the OALM has been awarded.
This is Washington's 3rd AER award of 2015.
This is Washington's 3rd AER award.
This is Washington's 1st OALM award.

Video: Providing video links is terrible. You just don't do that. You don't.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

AER Rule Submission 11: FOX (1; 3.05)

FOX submitted and successfully passed the addition of Rule 3.05 to the Announcers' Ejection Rules. The rule was submitted in response to a call of "Ejection" by HP Umpire Mike Everitt (57). At the time of the egregious error in umpire conduct, Los Angeles (A) was leading over Detroit 3-1. Los Angeles (A) ultimately won the contest 3-2.

3.05) No team member shall be ejected if three team members have already been ejected during the game.

FOX now has 4 points in the AER standings (0 Previous + 2 New Rule + 2 Submission Passed = 4). FOX is now ranked T-3rd (as a non-committee submitter, FOX was previously unranked).

This is the 11th rules submission of 2016.
This is the 11th successful rules submission.
This is the 2nd rules submission made by a non-AERC member.
This is the 2nd successful rules submission made by a non-AERC member.
This is FOX's 2nd rules submission.
This is FOX's 2nd successful rules submission.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

AER Rule Submission 10: Pittsburgh (1; 2.00)

Pittsburgh submitted and successfully passed the addition of Rule 2.00(No Doubt) to the Announcers' Ejection Rules. The rule was submitted in response to a call of "Foul" by HP Umpire Sam Holbrook (34). At the time of the egregious error in umpire conduct, the contest was tied 0-0.

2.00 NO DOUBT - A phrase used to instruct the listener that whatever follows is blatantly false.

Pittsburgh now has 4 points in the AER standings (0 Previous + 2 New Rule + 2 Submission Passed = 4). Pittsburgh moves from T-10th to T-3rd.

This is the 10th rules submission of 2016.
This is the 10th successful rules submission.
This is the 9th rules submission made by a team.
This is the 9th successful rules submission made by a team.
This is Pittsburgh's first rules submission.
This is Pittsburgh's first successful rules submission.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

AER Rule Submission 9: Toronto (1; 2.00)

Toronto submitted and successfully passed the addition of Rule 2.00(Inadvertently) to the Announcers' Ejection Rules. The rule was submitted in response to a call of "Contact" by HP Umpire Vic Carapazza (19). At the time of the egregious error in umpire conduct, the contest was tied 0-0. Cleveland ultimately won the contest 2-1.

2.00 INADVERTENTLY - Intentionally.

Toronto now has 4 points in the AER standings (0 Previous + 2 New Rule + 2 Submission Passed = 4). Toronto moves from T-9th to T-3rd.

This is the 9h rules submission of 2016.
This is the 9th successful rules submission.
This is the 8th rules submission made by a team.
This is the 8th successful rules submission made by a team.
This is Toronto's 2nd rules submission.
This is Toronto's 2nd successful rules submission.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

AER Mid-Season Award 2: Washington (2)

Why teach a hitter to hit when you can whine instead?
In a game against New York (N), Washington posited that a strike at the bottom of the strike zone precludes the calling of a pitch at the top of the strike zone, even if both pitches are within the strike zone according to the MLB rule book. For this, Washington has been awarded the AERC's Hawk Harrelson Honorary Award for Exceptional Achievement In Not Knowing What the F*** You're Talking About and receives 5 points.

Washington now has 10 points in the AER standings (5 Previous + 5 Award = 10). Washington remains in 2nd.

This is the 2nd Mid-Season award of the 2016 MLB regular season.
This is the 2nd time the HHHAEAINKWFYTA has been awarded.
This is Washington's 2nd AER award of 2016.
This is Washington's first HHHAEAINKWFYTA award.

Video: You may watch either the first half or last half of this video, but not both

Sunday, May 22, 2016

AER Rule Submission 8: Los Angeles (A) (1; 2.00)

Might as well have bounced.
Los Angeles (A) submitted and successfully passed the addition of Rule 2.00(Almost) to the Announcers' Ejection Rules. The rule was submitted in response to a call of "Strike" by HP Umpire Dale Scott (5). At the time of the egregious error in umpire conduct, Baltimore was leading 3-1. The contest ended with the score unchanged.

2.00 ALMOST - Approximately sixteen inches.

Los Angeles (A) now has 4 points in the AER standings (0 Previous + 2 New Rule + 2 Submission Passed = 4). Los Angeles (A) moves from T-7th to T-3rd.

This is the 8th rules submission of 2016.
This is the 8th successful rules submission.
This is the 7th rules submission made by a team.
This is the 7th successful rules submission made by a team.
This is Los Angeles (A)'s 2nd rules submission.
This is Los Angeles (A)'s first successful rules submission.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

AER Rule Submission 5-7: New York (N) (1-3; 2.00,3.05)

New York (N) submitted and successfully passed the addition of Rule 2.00(200 Feet), 2.00(1 Foot), and 3.05 to the Announcers' Ejection Rules. Rules 2.00(200 Feet) and 2.00(1 Foot) were added in response to a call of "Foul" by HP Umpire Carlos Torres (37). Rule 3.05 was added in response to a call of "Ejection" by Torres. At the time of the egregious error in umpire conduct, Colorado was leading 3-1. Colorado ultimately won the contest 7-4.
Not even close.

2.00 200 FEET - The distance between an announcer's face and their TV monitor.

2.00 1 FOOT - Approximately five inches.

3.05) No umpire may eject any member of any team that has more MLB-level experience than them.

New York (N) now has 12 points in the AER standings (0 Previous + 3*(2 New Rule) + 3*(2 Submission Passed = 12). New York (N) moves from T-6th to 1st.

These are the 5th-7th rules submissions of 2016.
These are the 5th-7th successful rules submissions.
These are the 4th-6th rules submissions made by a team.
These are the 4th-6th successful rules submissions made by a team.
These are New York (N)'s 4th-6th rules submissions.
These are New York (N)'s 3rd-5th successful rules submissions.

Video: Lacking objectiveness

AER Rule Submission 4: yawetag (1; 5.08)

yawetag successfully petitioned for and was granted the hearing of Rule 5.08 which ultimately resulted in the rules addition to the Announcers' Ejection Rules. The rule was submitted in response to a call of "Ejection" by HP Umpire Scott Barry (87) in the bottom of the 8th inning. At the time of the egregious error in umpire conduct, Houston was leading 16-4. The contest ended with the score unchanged.
This umpire is pointing to the people who really know what's up.

5.08) Before ejecting an offender, the umpire should consider the quality of game a player or coach has had so far. If the player has not had a good game, the umpire should not eject the offender.

yawetag now has 4 points in the AER standings (0 Previous + 2 New Rule + 2 Submission Passed = 4). yawetag moves from T-5th to T-2nd.

This is the 4th rules submission of 2016.
This is the 4th successful rules submission.
This is the first successful petition,
This is the first rules submission made by a non-AERC member.
This is the first successful rules submission made by a non-AERC member.
This is yawetag's first rules submission.
This is yawetag's first successful rules submission.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

AER Mid-Season Award 1: Washington (1)

In a game against Detroit, Washington posited that evidence is overrated. For this, Washington has been awarded the AERC's La La La La La La La La La La La La La I Can't Hear You Award for Rejecting Reality and Substituting Their Own and receives 5 points.

Washington now has 5 points in the AER standings (0 Previous + 5 Award = 5). Washington moves from T-4th to 1st.

This is the 1st Mid-Season award of the 2016 MLB regular season.
This is the 1st time the LLLLLLLLLLLLLICHY has been awarded.
This is Washington's 1st AER award of 2016.
This is Washington's first LLLLLLLLLLLLLICHY award.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

AER Rule Submission 3: Minnesota (1; 2.00)

Minnesota submitted and successfully passed the addition of Rule 2.00(Rabbit Ears) to the Announcers' Ejection Rules. The rule was submitted in response to a call of "Ejection" by HP Umpire Scott Barry (87) in the bottom of the 8th inning. At the time of the egregious error in umpire conduct, Houston was leading 16-4. The contest ended with the score unchanged.

A normal human would never hear this.
2.00 RABBIT EARS - Visually identical to normal human ears, these allow umpires to hear sounds they would normally not be able to discern, such as a pitcher yelling at them while making eye contact from seven feet away.

Minnesota now has 4 points in the AER standings (0 Previous + 2 New Rule + 2 Submission Passed = 4). Minnesota moves from T-3rd to T-1st.

This is the 3rd rules submission of 2016.
This is the 3rd successful rules submission.
This is the 3rd rules submission made by a team.
This is the 3rd successful rules submission made by a team.
This is Minnesota's first rules submission.

Video: Duck season

Thursday, April 28, 2016

AER Rule Submission 2: Miami (1; 2.00)

Miami submitted and successfully passed the addition of Rule 2.00(Asking) to the Announcers' Ejection Rules. The rule was submitted in response to a call of "Ejection" by HP Umpire Todd Tichenor (13) in the bottom of the 8th inning. At the time of the egregious error in umpire conduct, Miami was leading 2-0. The contest ended with the score unchanged.

2.00 ASKING - Vehement arguing at excessive volume, usually accompanied by wild gestures and extended periods of uncontrollable forward motion.

Miami now has 4 points in the AER standing(0 Previous + 2 New Rule + 2 Submission Passed = 4). Miami moves from T-2nd to T-1st.

This is the 2nd rules submission of 2016.
This is the 2nd successful rules submission.
This is the 2nd rules submission made by a team.
This is the 2nd successful rules submission made by a team.
This is Miami's first rules submission.


AER Rule Submission 1: Colorado (1; 5.07)

Any mouth movement is a figment
of your imagination.
Colorado submitted and successfully passed the addition of Rule 5.07 to the Announcers' Ejection Rules. The rule was submitted in response to a call of "Ejection" made by HP Umpire Lance Barrett (94) in the bottom of the 6th inning. At the time of the egregious error in umpire conduct, Pittsburgh was leading 1-0. Pittsburgh ultimately won the contest 6-1.

5.07) As looking in the direction of a player assists the umpire in hearing them, umpires are forbidden to look at players.

This was the first rules submission of 2016.
Colorado now has 4 points in the AER standings (0 Previous + 2 New Rule + 2 Submission Passed = 4).

This is Colorado's 1st rules submission.

Video: Be sure to stare directly at your speakers for the best sound quality